HEALTH & WELLNESS SEO CASE STUDY 101 📖 Does SEO Really Work in 2025?
The short answer is YES, absolutely... SEO proof can be found even quicker if you're leveraging today's AI tools effectively.
So let's first look at past SEO results (up to last year) as proof of what happens when you take the same basic article and optimize it with 4 different levels of SEO on 4 separate websites.
....and then we'll look at how to apply this in 2025.
⚠️ Full disclosure, the 1st natural health & wellness website has an unfair advantage.
So this is not exactly apples to apples...
Here's the Real SEO™ health website visitor traffic results after 1 year...
*Screenshot taken April 24th 2023. Amounts represent visitor traffic to the specified article page.
*Still going: 80,540 total views to date as of Jan 1, 2025
Dr. Hinchey's article on TAOvitality.com.
"The Science Of How To Treat Lyme Disease Naturally In 2024"
⚠️ In Fact...
NaturalNutmeg.com, the 1st health website to publish the article AND least productive out of the four in terms of visitors. But their natural health & wellness website should have an unfair advantage (by a lot!)
NaturalNutmeg.com is a health & wellness industry magazine that has been around for years.
Therefore.... they should have a huge advantage from tons of aged industry relevant health and wellness content.
That should make their domain an expert authority over other domains with the same content.
Health Website #1 - NaturalNutmeg.com) - This case study started with Dr. Myriah Hinchey paying for an advertorial in their physical publication, Natural Nutmeg Magazine, for an upcoming Lyme Disease conference we were hosting.
Health Website #2 - LymeDiseaseConference.com) - I later took the article submitted to Natural Nutmeg (when I saw it only got 30 views) and published it on the other 3 websites, first with basic SEO on LymeDiseaseConference.com, our Lyme Conference Event Marketing website (which they've taken down after the first conference - a strategic SEO mistake in my opinion).
Health Website #3 - Lymecore.com) - And then published it again with a homepage banner link and a little more on-page SEO on LymeCore.com, Dr. Hinchey's Natural Lyme Supplements website.
Health Website #4 - TAOVitality.com) - And then lastley I published Dr. Hinchey's article on TAOVitality.com, her private practice website, with max SEO efforts which included constant SEO rewriting based on Google Search Console data for weeks (without changing the meaning), enhanced video media additions and interlinking.
Logically, Natural Nutmeg's version with a huge amount of aged industry content, much higher Domain Rating (DR) and a bazillion relavant backlinks from dozens of industry relevant domains should have done well from the beginning.
But Natural Nutmeg's performance was far worse? ...WHY?
The answer is the key to repeating SEO success for health and wellness niche websites in 2025.